Tag: brooklyn Children’s Museum

The 20 best cheap things to do this weekend, Prince in April edition

[Ed note: Reminder, we now have a separate roundup for activism-focused events, which we encourage you to check out here.] 1.…

BAM, St. Ann’s and 9 other BK cultural institutions join forces to defend being worth federal funding

With The Donald's 2018 budget proposal to cut all federal arts fundings, local organizations which benefit and rely on those…

Top 10: The best cheap things to do in Brooklyn this week, May the fourth be with you edition

1. May is National Chamber Music Month! What better place to celebrate than at Williamsburg's fancy new classical venue, National…

NYC municipal ID will get you a slew of discounts from NYC’s cultural giants

#deblasio's New York is shaping up to be a good place for people who like free stuff. Signed into law…

BrooklynKnight coming to hang out with kids, teach them science

So obviously there are plenty of places to cavort around Brooklyn, but what about the children? Ah yes, the children…

Honor the dream with free MLK Day events

Sure you get off of work for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and alternate side parking is suspended, but there…

Birds do it, bees do it, red pandas at the Prospect Park Zoo do it (and you can watch)

NSFW animal-mating demos are just one of of the attractions of a weekend-long love-fest sponsored by the Heart of Brooklyn,…

Brokelyn-approved weekend events

Aquatic animals are the theme for two of this weekend's offerings (sort of). The New York Aquarium (Surf Ave. at…