Tag: books

The power of savings: Get 20% off store-wide at powerHouse on 8th next week

Do you need to do some holiday shopping for nerds who love to read books. Ugh, the worst, right? Who…

Oyster, the Netflix of books, is hiring a copywriter

Do you love to read? Do you love to read so much that you're kept awake at night by thoughts…

Team Brokelyn check-in: What are your summer reading picks?

Yep, it's the season for beach reads and summer reading lists. We may be stuck in our cubicles but our…

Indies First finally making authors do real work, sell books at bookstores

Authors across the nation will be doing some heavy lifting on the retail front November 30th. As part of Indies First, writers…

Fox News’ Greg Gutfeld begins war on hipsters in earnest

From politics to the personal, from fashion to food, from the campus to the locker room, the desire to be cool…

How not to be a dick in Times Square

Brooklyn alumna and published author Meghan Doherty has a new book coming out in September entitled How not to be…

Be like MLK, for free: download the books that influenced him

On MLK Day, we're challenged to rise above out usual pettiness and smallness to work towards a better, more equal future. Well,…

Our Fifty Shades of Chicken contest ends tomorrow!

[sponsored_by name="Clarkson Potter" url="http://crownpublishing.com/imprint/clarkson-potter/" logo="https://brokelyn.com/app/uploads/2012/11/clarkson-potter.jpg" byline="Clarkson Potter is the dedicated lifestyle group within Random House, Inc."] So now that we've…

Fifty Shades of Chicken, a fowl play cookbook giveaway

[sponsored_by name="Clarkson Potter" url="http://crownpublishing.com/imprint/clarkson-potter/" logo="https://brokelyn.com/app/uploads/2012/11/clarkson-potter.jpg" byline="Clarkson Potter is the dedicated lifestyle group within Random House, Inc."] All that Christian Grey-inspired…

What not to bring to our book swap

Are you ready to get readerly? Right after the Brooklyn Book Festival on Sunday night, there's a gathering of the…