Tag: Amazon

Get it while you can: The end is nigh for tax-free online shopping

Alright everyone, it's time to grab your tea and dump it in the e-harbor, because according to Racked, the days…

The secret on best cereal deals: not in a store, but online

Maybe it's the ominous-sounding GLOBAL CEREAL CRISIS, or maybe it's just your local C-Town price gouging, but cereal in these…

Amazon’s CD trade-in will erase your embarrassing musical past, for small store credit

Amazon loves Jewel! So much so, that the site is dying to buy your Pieces of You CD. Remember CDs, guys?! As…

Tuesday linkage

Pro tip: Don't bring light saber to bar, don't spend $400 on light saber [BK Paper] So about those cheap…

What the hell, Amazon?

It's one thing to be a low-cost convenient alternative for that hard-to-find book and it's another to actively employ an…

Amazon is selling fancy smartphones for 1 cent!

You can be the most anti-consumerist or anti-Black Friday bro on the block, but you can't avoid needing a phone.…

Pop it, lock it, drop it: new price-monitoring sites hunt bargains for you

Well hello there, savvy shopper. While product research used to involve, er, actual research, a variety of new sites will…

Beatles fans calling in sick tomorrow

Who knew that commenters on Amazon's message boards were such layabouts? Who's even ever read the discussions on Amazon? Thank…