Tag: 7-eleven

FREE: Celebrate 7/11 Day with a slurpee

Today only. Duh.

Oh thank…something: Saturday is Free Slurpee Day at 7-Eleven

It's starting to finally feel like summer, with the high temperatures and humidity the season is supposed to have. And…

7-Eleven is coming to Fulton Street in Bed-Stuy

Bed-Stuy, as we all know, has a huge shortage of bodegas and cheap grocery stores. So now we can start…

Heads up sugar addicts: tomorrow is Free Slurpee Day

Sugar! We love it in America, in all of its forms. Especially in the summer, we take any way we…

Happy Tax Day! Here are a few freebies to help deal with paying up

Well, kids, April 15th is almost done! Or, at the very least, it's very nearly  a reasonable time to crack…

Don’t forget: It’s free Slurpee day!

Today is 7/11, which means 7-Eleven gives out out free 7.11-ounce Slurpees from 11am-7pm (wocka wocka). You get your choice…

Free, possibly disgusting, Slurpees today

New York City is amidst an identity crisis about whether humble bodega will be bigfooted out of business by the incoming…