Tag: 25 under 25 gift guide

25 gifts under $25, No. 12: New DIY manicure swag

Listen, I don't know about your manicure situation, but for me boring OPI colors don't cut it anymore. I'm always…

25 gifts under $25 No. 9: Zombie Gnomes

A terrible plague has befallen the once gentle inhabitants of the garden and now the gnomes are hungry for braaaaiinnnssss!…

25 gifts under $25, No. 7: If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em

If you’re like me, you spent a good portion of 2012 rolling your eyes every time you heard someone say,…

25 gifts under $25, No. 6: TV dinner tray

What to get the friend who eats all of her freshly microwaved meals in front of Honey Boo Boo marathons?…

25 gifts under $25, No. 5: Truth serum

Maybe your little brother is a 9/11 conspiracy theorist. Let's say he watched that documentary on Netflix and tried to persuade your…