Sweet gig alert: put on your cape and help run the Superhero Supply Store

Ah ha, so the true superpower was the power of reading! via Facebook

Heroes come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, we can’t all be Thor after all. Or even Hawkeye. But if you like kids and like the idea of them being able to read all good and stuff, you can be heroic in your own right, and even better, you can get paid for it. That’s because the Park Slope location of 826NYC, otherwise known as the Superhero Supply Store, is looking for a program coordinator to make sure they don’t (metaphorically) trip over their own shoelaces. Don’t forget to bring your Batarang to the interview.

OK, so you won’t actually need a Batarang and you won’t be driving the S.H.I.E.L.D helicarrier. But, as the program and volunteer coordinator, you’ll be responsible for making sure that all the programming at 826 is well-stocked with supplies, scheduled sanely and not going over budget. On the volunteer side, you’ll be making sure literacy volunteers are a well-trained, diverse group who are being used correctly and encouraged to keep coming back. So you’ll still kind of be Nick Fury!

The job is asking for people with education backgrounds, so if you’re sick of being a teacher, this could be a decent outlet for you. Of course, don’t mention that in the interview. They’d also prefer that you be fluent in Spanish, know how to implement research-based curriculums and be a good motivator, but those things are only preferred, not required, so don’t fret if you’re actually only fluent in French. They’ll get it, you’re not the Black Widow, you can’t know every language.

David Colon :