Swap alert, ladies! Trade old for new at Dusty Rose in Greenpoint

Our girl Caroline shows off some of the wonders you can find at Dusty Rose. via Facebook

If this yo-yo weather has got you befuddled, try a new kind of spring cleaning to get you in the groove. At the end of the month, Greenpoint’s own Dusty Rose Vintage will be hosting their first ever “This for That” annual spring clothing swap. So if you’re super bored with what you have now, why not just trade it in? People do that in summertime with relationships too, so why not clothing?

Any ladies (sorry, dudes) wishing to participate should gather some springy/summery duds or accessories and head to the DRV warehouse on May 30, from 7 to 10pm. $3 gets you in the door with a bag on clothes to swap. Alternatively, if your wardrobe is scant and you’re just looking to add to your closet, $5 will get you in the door with nothing to trade.

Dusty Rose will provide free punch to quench your thrifty thirst, and if you can’t make the swap but still want to donate, you can drop off a bag at the warehouse the week before.

If you’re a true vintage Brokester bargain hunter, this is a great chance to get a sneak-peak at Dusty Rose Vintage BEFORE they officially throw their doors open to the public in June. So join the fashionistas of our great city, find that blue Ikea bag, and get ready to swap. Make sure to RSVP on Facebook too.

Poster by Flatbush Brown
Poster by Flatbush Brown

This For That spring clothing swap, Thursday, May  30, 7pm – 10pm, Dusty Rose Vintage Warehouse, 233 Norman Ave, Greenpoint, $3

Sarah Bibi :