Swap a plant, tour the trees this weekend in Ditmas Park

plantswapIf you haven’t yet started your windowsill garden, this weekend’s the perfect opportunity. Come to Ditmas Park on Saturday, Apr. 24, for a free plant swap, sponsored by the Flatbush Food Co-op and Sustainable Flatbush. The swap, from noon to 3, is exactly what it sounds like: you meet up, trade your expendable perennial or other plant and leave with a new leafy best friend. In fact, this is a swap of the best variety—you don’t even have to bring a plant to walk away with a new one. It’ll also be the place for trading gardening tips, whether you can’t keep a Chia Pet alive or you can help green another’s thumb.

As Chris Kreussling, a.k.a the Flatbush Gardener, tells us, “Gardeners have shared plants in this way for, well, pretty much ever. A lot of heirloom plants have been propagated in this way. One term for such plants is “pass-along plants.'” Good to know.

Also in the neighborhood, on Sunday, Apr. 25, Chris is leading Sustainable Flatbush’s 3rd Annual Spring Street Tree Walking Tour. We enjoyed the fall foliage tour, so our hopes are high for Sunday’s. Two tours: 11 am and noon; $5 suggested donation.

Plant Swap: Flatbush Food Co-op, 1415 Cortelyou Rd., between Marlborough & Rugby Rds.; Tree tour: Sacred Vibes Apothecary, 376 Marlborough Rd., between Cortelyou and Dorchester Rds.

Nina Koske :