Sunday, see food whizzes face-off

Animal or vegetable?

We love local food, we love competition, and both are in store Sunday night at the Farmers Market Sweep, Brooklyn’s first ever food-themed game show. Littlefield‘s the face-off venue, where writers, bloggers, editors and other food whizzes will answer questions on farm and food-political trivia to compete for the title of Champion Locavore. Also on-hand will be the night’s sponsor, Bikeloc, the Pollan-inspired cycling duo about to ride cross-country throwing potlucks in the name of locavorism. Of course there’ll be homemade snacks for the evening, and the 7 p.m. game will be followed by the savory sounds of Smoothe Moose Laboratories at 8:30, with Brooklyn-based cellist/electronic musician Cosmo D and beat master DJ Saucy Crotch. $12 in advance (or at the door if you bike there); $15 at the door otherwise. More info and tickets here.

Beth Hoyt :