This maybe wasn’t the coldest or the snowiest winter we’ve ever had, but the fact that it just never seemed to die made it feel more miserable than most. But let’s forget all that bullshit like scarves and hats and gloves and cranky rich people and focus on the important things in life: The Gowanus Yacht Club opens today at 5pm, which means that we’ve officially lived through the most bitched-about on social media winter ever. We did it guys, so let’s drink!
Today’s opening is a soft opening, so while maybe everything won’t be available to you, certain essentials will be. Those include benches and seats that are outside that you can sit on, beer that you can drink outside and just the general sense of relief that you are hanging out outside and goodness isn’t that great. Break out your sweet Latrell Spreewell Warriors jersey, because summer is freaking here.