Categories: Careers

So long, home workspace! Snag a studio space at the Queens Museum for as little as $200/month

Instead of working in your cramped room, this could be you, working in a studio. via the Queens Museum

Stop me if you haven’t heard this before: You’re an artist, you got work in some galleries and even got a mural in the Bushwick Collective. You’re not living off your art, but you make enough to support yourself (having that part time job helps.) Your apartment is cramped; you live with six other people in the tiniest room available and your apartment is also your studio space. We know studio space can be expensive and while it would be ideal to have a studio space, in Williamsburg, they’re either charging too much, or that one studio space you had your eye on is being converted to a hotel. Well, we got good news, the Queens Museum is offering studio space for as little as $200 a month.

One of the only museums in the country that offers a residency program for artists, the Studio Residency Program gives artists the opportunity to not only work but to show work to visitors of the museum for one year, with the option of a one year extension. In all they have five spaces available: one 300 sq feet studio for $200 a month, two 350 sq feet spaces for $250, and two 550 sq feet spaces for $350 a month.

We have the application process right here and the deadline is July 10, with the artists being handpicked by the museum staff. Artists will be notified by August 14 and will be able to use the studio space starting October 1st. A year of space with free wi-fi, bathroom privileges and water fountains. All that’s left is a microwave to make ramen and it’s just like being home. However, you can’t bump that new Boosie from 9am to 1pm because of school trips, and you can’t sleep at the studio, as it’s only open from 6am to midnight.

Chris Inoa :

View Comments (1)

  • I'm an artist and craft person looking for work space btwn 300-500 square' or a share in an studio
    My budget is up to $500. I'm also involved in fashion design and use an industrial sewing machine
    that I'm willing to share with another designer