Writer puts out call asking how much money 3rd Ward owes you

Do they owe you anything? Speak up

When the 3rd Ward went under last October, teachers, students, and members were all left holding the bag, with no refunds for members who spent up to $3,200 for lifetime memberships, no final pay checks for the teachers who had put in countless hours at the art space, and no consolation or explanation for the students who signed up for classes. So how much does 3rd Ward actually owe its patrons and participants? One writer is asking people to email her and let her know.

Brooklyn based writer Robin Grearson has put out a call to anyone still owed money by 3rd Ward, to try to account for exactly how much they owe people. On her website she is calling for any and all 3rd Ward stories, especially if they relate to money. Do they still owe you a final paycheck? Were you never reimbursed for a membership to the now nonexistent work space? Have you tried to reach out to anyone about this? Are you still teaching? Still taking classes?

Grearson won’t be revealing or releasing people’s private information, and doesn’t intend on sharing anyone’s personal financial situation, but instead is just trying to compile a total number of how much 3rd Ward actually collectively owes its former members and teachers. According to Grearson, people are probably owed anywhere “$100 here, $3,500 there,” but she figures the total comes out to $20,000 or maybe even $50,000. So if 3rd Ward owes you, reach out to her (writing [AT] robingrearson.com), and if you wan to follow the project, join the mailing list here.

Nick Cardinale :