1. Learn that yes, people really are still woodworkers, by taking a woodworking tour at the Navy Yard (Friday)
2. Or perhaps you prefer your tours to be more food-based, in which case tour the Pfizer Building to see Jacques Torres Chocolate and Kombucha Brooklyn take care of business (Friday)
3. Honestly ask yourself how often you get to go to a masquerade. Never, right? So check out this one at Launchpad (Friday)
4. Dave Hill, Todd Barry and a few other folks want to meet you in the bathroom and tell you all their secrets at Union Hall (Friday)
5. It’s a good old fashioned Bushwick loft party, the kind that has bands like Caged Animals and 16-piece brass bad What Cheer? Brigade! (Friday)
6. Buy a tree, a shrubbery or much smaller plant, at the Vert Gardens Lots plant sale (Saturday)
7. Get a walking tour, starting at WORD, from a guy who walked every single block in New York City (Saturday)
8. Geek out at Freddy’s at their Harry Potter trivia. Show up in costume for the chance at a prize for the best one/people calling you a nerd on the subway (Saturday)
9. Put a little spice in your life at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden’s Chile Pepper Festival. It’s gonna be the hot place to be. Perhaps we can pepper this post with a few more puns? (Saturday)
10. Videology has a double feature about evil theme parks, including one shot on the sly at Disneyland and Disney World. Cooool (Sunday)
11. Head to Bodega to hear some stories at their storytelling extravaganza. Much different than going to a bodega and asking people for some stories (Sunday)