Spare ten bucks for NYWC on their tenth birthday


Being able to share and express your voice is a pretty epically essential part of being empowered. Recognizing this, the NY Writers Coalition, a Brooklyn-based community writing organization, has provided 7,000 New Yorkers who are typically without access to educational initiatives, such as the incarcerated, homeless, have disabilities and at-risk youths, with the opportunity to take a variety of writing workshops for free. To keep these good deeds going, they’re having a fundraiser called 10 Days of NYWC from October 22 through 31. 

To celebrate their tenth anniversary, the goal of the fundraiser is to get as many $10 donations as possible, which will then be matched by an anonymous do-gooder. There will be readings, workshops, a trivia night and more, at places scattered around the city, including the Museum of Contemporary African Diasporan Arts, Der Schwarze Kölner and 80 Arts. Check out the full event schedule here.

Aside from donating your money, you can become a fundraiser yourself or with friends and try to get as many donations as you can, with prizes like tickets to the NYWC Comedy Show and a Design Freedom Essentials pack from DIY publisher CreateSpace. If you can’t make any of these, no biggie, most of the donations are coming in from online anyway, which I like because it’s easy and I’m lazy.

Emily Berninger :