Snag an apartment in Bed Stuy, Park Slope or Crown Heights

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The summer is louder in Brooklyn. Between your neighbor who blasts Usher songs into the street all day, kids playing on the sidewalk, and your own drunk ass fumbling for your keys and cursing all that tequila you drank, your neighborhood is probably about to turn into a big ol’ noisefest. Here are some affordable options for your potential new digs.

  • This Bed Stuy 2BR brownstone is newly renovated and goes for $1,900/month. It’s a few blocks to the A train, the YMCA, and a gourmet market. There’s a ton of bars near by on Franklin and Bedford, but the street itself is apparently pretty quiet, s0 adjust the volume of your surroundings according to your liking.


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  • While you’re in the neighborhood, why don’t you grab another roommate and head over to this 3BR duplex for $2,300? The first floor features a huge space with an open kitchen, and right up the stairs are all three bedrooms. Be your own upstairs neighbor and threaten to call the cops on yourself during your next party!


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  • If you prefer your street noise to be rich children with funny names, check out this 3BR in Park Slope for $2,850 right across from Washington Park. Right off 5th Ave., this place has all the amenities for day and night life. The only drawback is that you probably can’t drink malt liquor on your stoop in the middle of the day – children are the future, after all.


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  • If Franklin Ave. is more your scene, but you wanna live far enough away to hear yourself think, peep this 2BR in Crown Heights for $1,800. The ad promises lots of vague things like “new windows” and a “custom bathroom,” but the price and location are right, so why not give it a look?

As always, check our real estate listings for a whole bunch more of apartment deals around Brooklyn.

Katrina Casino :

View Comments (1)

  • My only comment is that people should be careful with Ideal. The representatives there are nice enough - it's more that the listings they advertise are often pretty crappy once you actually take a look. It's not that they do not look like the picture. It's more the tangential issues (rowdy or unkempt neighbors, smelly, sketchy buildings, etc.) that a couple of snapshots cannot speak to. As such, it is not uncommon for their listings to remain listed for months on end. Just beware.