Categories: contest

Sixpoint design contest for fame & free beer

Six, the beer-swilling donkey, design by Erik Zimmermann

Pop in that Bob Ross tape, crack open a cold one and get inspired. Sixpoint Craft Ales is calling graphic designers, illustrators and any schmo with open-source Photoshop to design the company a great new poster for its Red Hook brewery (apparently, animal puns are encouraged). The top three designs, chosen by popular vote, will be rewarded with a care package of rare homebrews, t-shirts and some tasty edible from the brewery’s resident master chef. And, of course, your design could soon grace the brewery walls.

There’s not much more to it than coming up with a kick-ass design and uploading it to Sixpoint’s Facebook fan page. The contest won’t be on for much longer (through Monday or thereabouts), so get designing and beg your friends to vote. Or just vote on an existing design—you can see them all here.

Etan Marciano :