Patrick Stewart wants a separate stroller lane in Park Slope

He's very passionate about the strollers
He’s very passionate about the strollers

He’s only lived in Park Slope for a couple years, but give Sir Patrick Stewart credit for immediately recognizing that you stake out one side or another in the Park Slope stroller battle. In his case, the good professor has taken a firm stand on the anti-stroller side, like any good neighborhood crank. And just like your classic neighborhood cranks, P-Stew is bothering public officials to do something about it, claiming that he’s sent Mayor Tall a bill that would create a specific lane for strollers in the baby-friendly neighborhood.

In a wide-ranging interview with the New York Observer, Stewart told the paper that he’s written the mayor with his idea about reworking the traffic in Park Slope so that along with bikes, cars and pedestrians, stroller-pushing parents have their own lanes too. His specific design idea:

“[T]hey will be on the OUTSIDE of the bike lanes,” he clarifies. “So you will have traffic, stroller lanes, bike lanes, sidewalk.”

Would it be lead to cyclist/stroller collisions. Definitely. Is the image of a stroller lane funny though? Also definitely. We commend Patrick Stewart on embracing his crank-dom though, and we hope his local City Counil member is getting a phone call every day about this from him.

David Colon :

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