Ladies, sip up journalism advice at BK Winery

Lois Lane has somehow survived round after round of Daily Planet layoffs

Have you heard the phrase “saying you’re a writer in Brooklyn is like saying you’re an actor in LA”? Kinda funny but not exactly true, as there’s nothing stopping you from writing whenever you feel like it, and lots of people in Brooklyn blog, pitch, publish, Tumbl or Moleskine away every day. We’ve got loads of events and workshops that let you do more than scream into the abyss too. Tonight is our favorite type: the free-booze kind (is there any other?). Her Girl Friday, a new Brooklyn support group for women in journalism and non-fiction storytelling, is hosting its inaugural networking event at Brooklyn Winery featuring speakers Annia Ciezadlo, a former correspondent for The Christian Science Monitor in Baghdad; Amy O’Leary, deputy news editor for The New York Times; and Jessica Devaney, communications and production manager at Just Vision. The free even starts at 7. The first 40 people get a free glass of wine, but the networking is unlimited.

Tim Donnelly :

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