Categories: News

Sing your way to 25 grand with Folgers’ new jingle contest

“The best part of waking up” could be having money in your bank account. Via Facebook.

If you’ve been harboring Mad Men fantasies of late, or if you’re just in the market for a cool $25 Gs, you’re in luck: Folgers is looking to jazz up their jingle, and they’re holding a contest to find just the right sound. So if you’ve got some musical talent and an ability to make a little ditty about instant coffee sound cool, this could be your ticket to advertising fame…and with a $25,0000, fortune too.

Folgers has been selling their brand with “The Best Part of Wakin’ Up is Folgers in Your Cup” for years now, but in 2011, they decided to add a little kick to the jingle and opened up their doors to the creative masses with a contest. This year, they’re looking for a video 60 to 90 seconds in length that features the signature line, with all music and lyrics performed by the contestant in question. Submit your jingle by March 6th, and you’ll be eligible to win a $25,000 cash prize, along with the chance to be featured in a future Folgers commercial; check out some of the top videos from 2011’s contest if you need a little inspiration.

Rebecca Fishbein :