The Sidra House Rules are: $25 all-you-can-drink cider at Building on Bond Thursday

sidra house
Tobey Maguire PROBABLY won’t be there, but you never know!

While the end of summer is inevitably a downer, don’t resort to hibernation mode just yet. We still have one more (albeit short-lived) season of decent weather before seasonal depression officially begins, so make it count!

Kick off the fall festivities Spanish style at the Sidra House Rules pop-up bar in Boerum Hill. On Thursday, September 25 hit up Building on Bond (112 Bond Street) for unlimited cider starting at 6pm. This $25 deal includes all-you-can-drink cider until the barrels run out (there will 3 kegs containing 80L of alcohol, you’ll get your money’s worth, relax) and a mix of Spanish tapas.

Everything will be served from their homemade Sidra Barrel, which doesn’t really matter as far as your BAC is concerned, but it’ll make you feel cultured and sophisticated.

While this event probably won’t involve scandalous love affairs, secret abortions, or Tobey McGuire, it should make for a fun, wallet-friendly time. If you dig this experience, keep an eye out over the next few months because Rowan Imports will be hosting several more pop-up events like this one around BK.

Jackie Hughes :