If you’re thinking of spring cleaning, don’t get rid of your winter beard just yet. You might not need it for cold-weather-protection on the walk to the subway these days, Astoria’s Quays Pub (45-02 30th Avenue) has just announced a “Battle of the Beards” competition on Tuesday, where you could win prizes and fame just for showing off your facial hair.
Quays Pub will be hosting the competition on Tuesday, April 8 at 7pm, for those of you who think your whiskers have what it takes to win. All shapes and sizes of beard are welcome, and beards aren’t separated into different categories, so this could get wild. That’s right— you can win one of three prizes just for not shaving your hibernation scruff.
All you need to do is register with a bartender the night of to enter the competition. If you want a sneak peek of your competition, you can compare your whiskers to the facial decoration of all the commenters on event’s Facebook page. The night will also include live performances from Green Gallows, Homesick Hound Dogs, and Robbie Cooke. Let’s be honest, there’s no way an Astoria beard should beat a Brooklyn one, so go forth and do BK proud.