Shake Shack is suddenly valued at $746 million, $200 million more than they were worth last Tuesday, and a staggering amount of money for pretty good hamburgers. Fine by us though, because they’re using their newfound wealth to play Rich Uncle Meatbags, announcing they’ll be giving away breakfast sandwiches and hamburgers today in front of the New York Stock Exchange. Inside will be men screaming “BUY!” and “SELL” and things about capital gains. Outside it’ll be snowing and you’ll be waiting for a free hamburger. Advantage: You.
Do you dare brave the weather for free Shake Shack? Just remember if you don’t, the winter wins. So here’s the deal: Shack Shack will be celebrating in front of the NYSE from 9am to 2pm. 9am to 11am is the breakfast shift, when they give out free sausage, egg and cheese sandwiches . Then the free burgers are from 11am to 2pm. We don’t know, take a long lunch break, it’s Friday and there’s no reason you can’t take a two-and-a-half hour lunch break.
If you miss the Wall Street bonanza, at least on the burger half of the equation, don’t worry too much: a double decker Shake Shack bus will be driving around Manhattan stopping to spread cheer and food at every Shake Shack around the city as it makes its way from Wall Street to Madison Square Park.If you’re feeling bad about missing the Wall Street bonanza on the IPO side of things though, well, we can’t help you there.