See Morgan Freeman as an aging ur-hipster, in theaters this spring!

Ah, Hollywood. It’s the place where killer robots, killer dinosaurs and killer ants all come to glorious life, sprung forth from thin air or popular books. This spring though, those wizards of the silver screen have whipped up their craziest idea yet in 5 Flights, inviting us to watch as attractive elderly couple Morgan Freeman and Diane Keaton…try to sell their Williamsburg apartment (via Curbed). No, no, see they can’t seem to sell the apartment, because the neighborhood is so hip and so cool and that makes it hard for some reason. It’s so hip and cool because of those lousy hipsters driving out a painter who moved to Williamsburg “before it was cool” and hey…wait a minute…

A PAINTER who moved to Williamsburg when it wasn’t hip? Excuse me sir, but those high-falootin’ paintings on canvas scattered around your apartment clearly show that you aren’t the kind of painter who paints houses. You are clearly some kind of fancy pants “artist,” a proto-hipster if you will, and mellifluous voice be damned, YOU helped make this happen. And now you’re leaving, because Brooklyn is “over.” We see right through you, Morgan Freeman.

David Colon :