See Macauly Culkin’s Pizza Underground for free Friday night

Oh it’s such a perfect slice, I’m glad I scarfed it with you. via Facebook

The life of a child celebrity is one we couldn’t possibly begin to imagine. So we won’t bore you with theories on how Macauly Culkin came to form a pizza-themed Velvet Underground cover band called The Pizza Underground. We’ll just tell you that according to Brooklyn Vegan, the band is playing for free at Williamsburg’s Baby’s All Right (146 Broadway) on Friday night. And there will of course be free pizza, to make it a truly pizza day.

Above is the Bandcamp demo that the group put out. And it’s…good? We mean, it’s definitely better music than we can play, and it also is exactly what it claims to be: a band with Macauly Culkin in it that does pizza-themed covers of Velvet Underground songs, with names like “I’m Waiting for the Delivery Man.” “All the Pizza Parties” and “Papa John Says.”

Want in on the madness? Get to Baby’s All Right Friday night at 7pm, but we’d get there early, because the entire freaking internet is going to be there.

David Colon :