Lena Dunham, Lena Dunham, Lena Dunham. She’s the name on everyone’s lips at one point or another here in Real America, whether it’s people demanding her dog be taken away or endlessly debating the merits of her show. One unexplored aspect of this endless dissection is the affect it all has on Lena Dunham herself, something theatre troupe Carroll Simmons explores in their play Too Many Lenas 3: Let Them Eat Cake which kicks off a run at the New Ohio Theatre (154 Christopher Street) this week. The second sequel to their production that looks at the life of a “coven of Lena Dunhams” representing different pieces of her psyche trying to live as one Lena Dunham.
The show’s plot, centered on the six Lena Dunhams efforts to not be the ultimate Millennial self-parody after the cancellation of Girls, is kind of open-ended, as is the show itself. Borrowing liberally from Tiny Furniture, Girls and Dunham’s wardrobe and penchant for casual nudity, the coven of Dunham’s goes to dark places to explore whether Dunham is still breaking ground, guided by Lenas like “Apologetic Lena”, Urban Lena” and “Self-Depicted Lena” (the last two played by our own Brittany Allen and Sam Corbin).
Too Many Lenas – Full Show from America’s Next Top 20 Something on Vimeo.
Above, you can see the first performance of Too Many Lenas, to decide whether you want to see any of the run at the New Ohio this week. The show is playing there from July 2 to July 5 at 7pm each night, with tickets running $18.
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"Girls" is the fucking worst - reflective of a society of chronically spoiled kids with helicopter parents who surprisingly can't deal with the most basic of problems. This is why we can't have nice things - no one wants to fucking do anything except self-loathe and wine.
*Brittany Allen plays MFA Lena, not Urban Lena.