Categories: Outings

The most romantic spots to watch the rapture

World ending? World saved? Party on!

The world is maybe ending on May 21, and it’s tragic, since it means this is your last weekend to explore Brooklyn and the great views we all take for granted. On the other hand, there won’t be any more rape or New York Post or Yankees, so, you take your tiny victories where you can find them. Are there any parties? This is Brooklyn, so of course. But if you just want to relax and watch it all go down, Brooklyn’s got some more reflective places to greet The End. And if the world doesn’t end, they all happen to also be scenic spots you can use for a romantic outing, and continue your heathen ways.

Building on Bond has a Doomsday Dance Party on Saturday with drink specials, but since it’s the end of the world, they really should just be giving the booze away.

Dan Deacon is playing a show at 285 Kent St. the same night, an event put together by one of Todd P’s friends, so you can die as the scenester you always were.

1. Pier on Huron
New York City has some of the most iconic architecture would be obliterated in a matter of moments by War, 2nd Horseman of the Apocalypse, riding a red horse and uprooting whole buildings with his sword. Head up to Greenpoint and when you hit Huron Street, follow it down to the water and look for a hole in the fence to your left. You’ll be as close to Manhattan as you can get without diving into the East River, an idea we’d caution against even if it hasn’t turned to blood.

2. The Manhattan Bridge
The Brooklyn Bridge is forever a mob scene and it’s only going to get worse when all those tourists are stranded in the city. Give some love to the under-appreciated Manhattan Bridge and avoid the crowds — unlike its more famous brother, you can actually walk along the edge of the Manhattan bridge and gaze into the water. Plus, if enough MTA operators get raptured (ha!), you can enjoy the sights without the loud trains rumbling behind you.

3. Brooklyn Bridge Park Bike Path
Follow the bike path just north of Pier 6 and you’ll find a (relatively) secluded stretch of it that provides views of the Staten Island Ferry Terminal and the Statue of Liberty. Pack a small picnic and watch in horror as one of humanity’s enduring symbols of the indomitable nature of the human spirit turns to dust. Pass the brie.

4. Temporary Platform at the 4th Ave-9th Street G Station
Turn the MTA’s constant construction to your advantage by using the temporary pedestrian bridge on the Queens-bound G platform to watch souls ascend over the Wiliamsburgh Savings Bank Tower and Downtown Brooklyn. It’s the only view you’ll have to pay for (don’t think those station agents are going to abandon their posts) but it’s probably your best bet to be alone. Who in their right mind is going to think to spend their last day on Earth waiting for the G train?

Of course, these are also lovely places to spend an evening in the unlikely event that the world doesn’t end on Saturday. What are the odds of that though? What are your favorite scenic spots in Brooklyn? Tell us in the comments!

David Colon :

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