Scenes from Idiotarod 2010

Idiotarod 2010, photos by Brad Gilley

It’s not the grueling race of sleds, dogs and their hard-driving masters through the frigid wilds of Alaska. It’s more like a bunch of costumed New Yorkers with pimped-out shopping carts racing their way for scavenger-hunt glory through the streets of Brooklyn and Queens. Saturday was the seventh annual Idiotarod, where over 400 fierce competitors braved 17-degree weather and raced in teams from Williamsburg’s Cooper Park to Rainey Park in Astoria. The point? Hit up all the checkpoints, avoid other teams’ sabotage attempts (a time-honored tradition) and finish the race.

Teams of all stripes competed, including leotard-clad “Dust Bunnies,” Spartans from the movie 300, a chess set, some ninjas and oh so many others. Here are a few of the day’s racing, scavenger-hunting, sabotaging warriors. All photos courtesy of Brad Gilley.






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