Scare up some Halloween costume ideas at this vintage warehouse

We can all do better than this. Via PartyCity

Halloween is coming up and you’re too uninspired by sexy zombie costumes to make a real effort to dress up. Help has arrived though. For a truly game-changing costume this year, get to the new Dusty Rose Vintage Warehouse in Greenpoint, where they’re opening up to the public three days a week in October. The warehouse at 233 Norman Avenue is generally only open to commercial clients, but will be open to anyone who wants to give their costume a final perfect touch on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from Oct. 9 through 31.

Dig through all the treasure chests and find the duds to outfit yourself in the best Zombie Daisy Buchanan threads money can buy. You may remember Dusty Rose Vintage from our Summer Camp Party, where they provided amazing props and clothes for the photo booth, or through their many collaborations with Broadist.

And if you like to live dangerously, the warehouse will be open Halloween afternoon, and owner Maresa will be on hand to give a little professional costume advice.

Alison Pels :