Say goodbye to the beach with this remembrance of the old Jacob Riis Park

Those days still kind of exist, but it’s less risky. via Flickr user David Shankbone

Well, we’re in the home stretch of summer, and sadly it looks like fall is getting greedy, with an all-rain weather forecast rudely looming over us on the final beach weekend of the year. Since it looks like we won’t be able to have our one last beach weekend before they close for the winter, we can at least listen to someone’s memories of the beach as more than just a place to have fun, but as a refuge from the outside world. Radiotopia podcast The Heart talked to Lesbian Herstory Archives co-founder Joan Nestle about the days when Jacob Riis Park was a queer hideaway, and cut in soothing sounds of the beach and interviews with other people who went to meet butch cuties and try to get away from a world that criminalized their lives.

David Colon :