Saturday: Free entry to a lot of NYC museums, big and small

Inside the Museum of American Finance, which who knew even existed?

If NYC museums were music, MOMA and the Met would be The Strokes: reliable, enjoyable and known to even your grandmother in Arizona. It takes the real New York museum snob to check out the more obscure offerings in the city, such as the Skyscraper Museum, The Museum of American Finance and Museum of American Illustration. This Saturday is your chance to catch up on some of the smaller, esoteric museum offerings in the city, for free! All you need is a free ticket from Smithsonian Magazine to get you and a friend in.

Museum Day Live! is the magazine’s annual event where you get into museums around the country for free. See the full list of participating museums here; other ones include the Brooklyn Museum, Queens Museum, the New York Historical Society and much more. Make sure to check out the Museum of American Finance, where the crumbling remains of our economy are on display.

Tim Donnelly :

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  • If it's one thing I learned from the Museum of American Finance, it's not to publicly insult Aaron Burr, accept a challenge to a duel, then intentionally miss and be fatally shot in the torso in a strange attempt at upholding my honor.