It won’t be long before we start glitter-bombing you with news of all the wonderful free things of summer. Until then, get psyched for — and help support — those great outdoor movies at Brooklyn Bridge Park, while getting a little tipsy this Friday: new Dumbo shop Waterfront Wines & Spirits is hosting a free Drink Local tasting featuring Brooklyn-made boozes. It’s free to taste, but proceeds for anything you buy will benefit the Brooklyn Bridge Park Conservancy, which sponsors loads of free activities and events in the park including SyFy Movies With a View. Brands up for tasting include Brooklyn Republic Vodka, Breuckelen Distilling, New York Distilling Company and Brooklyn Oenology Wines.
Friday, 6-8pm, Waterfront Wines & Spirits, Joralemon and Furman streets at Pier 5
[via BK Heights Blog]