Hey, let’s get some transit good news, since we’re going to be taking out a mortgage to ride it ten years from now. As you all know, the R train is about to disappear on us forever a year. Which, ugh. Instead of having to play the rush hour shuffle, another option has popped up, and it could be kinda nice, at least until it gets cold: the shuttle that currently runs from the Rockaways to Wall Street and Midtown will be adding a stop along the way in Sunset Park!
Provided you’re not one to who gets seasick very easily, the two-dollar ferry could be a godsend for people in southern Brooklyn who rely on the R train to get to work. Starting Monday August 5 at 6:20am, the ferry will run once an hour until 10am from the Brooklyn Army Terminal at 58th Street in Sunset Park. The drop-off points in Manhattan are Pier 11 at Wall Street and 34th Street in midtown. If you’re really excited by the news, make sure you ride the ferry, because the city will be studying ridership numbers to determine whether the stop should be added permanently.