Rock to and fro with the classics this summer

bargemusicBefore there were pools in dumpsters, waffles from trucks and yes, even films on rooftops, Brooklyn was home to chamber music on a barge. Wander off the line at Grimaldi’s, or step right out of the ice cream factory, and you’ll see a little boat-thingy moored-up off to the left, rocking gently in the East River. That’s Bargemusic, Brooklyn’s—who are we kidding, New York’s—only floating chamber-music concert hall. For over 30 years, the best classical musicians around have come to this swaying stage, played their hearts out and downed the Dramamine in front of nightly packed houses. And this summer, the good people behind these floating classics are offering some free and deeply-discounted concerts to try to get you on-board.

Today, Jun. 30, and tomorrow, Jul. 1, are two of this week’s three Neighborhood Family Afternoon Concerts, a summer series of hour-long performances with $10 tickets for adults and free admission for kids “of all ages.” These give-aways (in classical music terms, $10 is basically free) start at 1 p.m. every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, with each concert’s programs announced from the stage.

Of course, the only true free is free itself, and Bargemusic does have a few of these this summer too. Two free hour-long concerts remain: this Saturday, July 3, and Saturday, Aug. 14, both at 1 p.m.

This is New York chamber music at its best, but even if it’s not your thing, there’s nothing like holding on for dear life as the waves roll in during a Schubert quartet. Full concert schedule here. Tickets at the door (regularly $35 for adults).

Bargemusic, Fulton Ferry Landing, DUMBO

Jonathan Berk :