Rich people problems are your payday: Help is expensive, so offer yours up

Good tips and you get to sit outside. via Flickr user cha_petitjean

Man, not being broke is EXPENSIVE! If you are in the class of people who can afford to utilize services such as nannies/babysitters, dog walkers, house cleaners, hair stylists, personal trainers, doormen, building supers, personal assistants, delivery services, etc., prepare to shell out a bunch of extra dough in end-of-year tips.

According to DNAInfo, some Park Slope families will tip their domestic service providers up to $1,500 this holiday season. This is relevant to you, the hungry brokester, because there may well be opportunity here.$1500 is a lot of scratch, and with the survey the story was based on noting that nannies get the biggest chunk of the holiday cash, we got to thinking. Being a Brooklyn nanny seems like not the best job, at first glance. You have to do normal things like change diapers and chase kids around, and then you’ve got the added pressure of working for Brooklyn parents, who want you to be able to teach the kid yoga and mush up their organic baby food by hand or with some weird steampunk contraption.

But man, $537 is a pretty big tip. And if that’s what you’re making, or more, per week, wouldn’t you rather do that than work some soul-killing retail job paying you half as much? You’re basically dealing with children at those jobs anyway. If you’re a bartender or doing what you really want to do in life, that’s one thing, but if you’re just floating along, maybe you should see if you’re any good at being a nanny.

Rachel DeLetto :

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