Reminder: Eat the best pizza in NYC for $1/slice to benefit charity at Slice Out Hunger tonight

Be surrounded by pizza, for a good cause. Photo by Michael Berman Photography, via Facebook

Pizza! It’s a wonderful invention, and one that can be appreciated by pretty much everyone in this city, from committed carnivores to value-obsessed vegans. If there’s any problem with pizza, it’s that real quality stuff usually costs more than a dollar. For one night only, tonight in fact, you can get the best pizza in the city for just $1 per slice, because it’s time for Slice Out Hunger’s annual $1 slice night. You eat pizza, the money goes to charity, everyone goes home happy and not hungry.

Tonight’s pizza festivities kick off at 6pm at St. Anthony’s Church (155 Sullivan Street) and will last until every last bite of pizza is finished off. Beyond being a charitable move that allows you to eat ten slices of pizza from the likes of Wheated, Two Boots, Roberta’s, Speedy Romeo, Patsy’s, Difara and more for just $1 each, all of the money raised tonight will go towards the Food Bank for New York City. As you may have learned when we interviewed Slice Out Hunger mastermind Scott Wiener, tonight’s pizza party has the potential to raise $35,000 for charity, and you don’t have to do anything more than line up, pay and eat.

Beyond pizza, there’ll also be raffles for $1 each tonight offering prizes like Ample Hill’s cookbook, a tour of Raaka Chocolate factory and a pizza making class, if you feel like a little charitable gambling (guaranteed to be a fairer shake than FanDuel and DraftKings). So! Study tonight’s pizza map and make sure you get to St. Anthony’s Church early so that you can get your pick of the pizza being offered. Or don’t show up early and just eat whatever, it can’t possibly be bad.

David Colon :