Categories: Outings

Register today for a half marathon along the banks of the Brooklyn Greenway

Finally, experience what cyclists have been enjoying. via Facebook

Perhaps you’re not a cyclist, and fancy yourself as belonging to more of the jogging persuasion. In which case, we understand if you were bummed that cyclists got their own fancy Brooklyn Greenway tour this summer. But buck up partner, because the Brooklyn Greenway Initiative is an equal opportunity fun provider, and has opened up registration for a half marathon along the Greenway in October. Lace up those running shoes.The half marathon will be held on October 20, a Sunday, at 9am. All that’s known about the route right now is that it will starts and ends in Williamsburg. The route is yet to be determined otherwise, but you can be sure it will take you along some sweet views along the waterfront, next to that river that we’re always staring across so longingly. Plus, by paying the entry fee ($25 for BGI members, $35 for non-members) and being a part of the race, you get to help keep the Greenway project going. Who else are we supposed to get help from when it comes to public spaces? The city? That ship has sailed, my friend, so sign up for the marathon today.

David Colon :