1. Public Assembly is hosting some poetry, and according to the organizers, the world will never be the same. Bold statement (Monday)
2. Go wish a happy tenth birthday to The Believer. Don’t forget to bring a gift, that’s an age where there’s still tears if they don’t get their way (Monday)
3. We found out last week that the Reverend Vince Anderson is a Met fan, so go to his show and between sets ask him what kind of season he thinks Lucas Duda will have (Monday)
4. Get some advice on how to prepare your art for the next devastating hurricane (Tuesday)
5. The Masters of Social Gastronomy explore the world of cooking with drugs. Meth casserole, anyone? (Tuesday)
6. Chez Lola is hosting Game of Thrones trivia, because trivia normally isn’t bloody or rape-y enough (Tuesday)
7. Funny man and Jeopardy champion Bob Harris shares his insights into the world of microloans, at Powerhouse Arena (Wednesday)
8. Mellow Pages hosts a couple writers to talk about rivers and rooftops (Wednesday)
9. WORD hosts a panel to answer the question of whether feminism is sexy. Spoiler alert: yes (Thursday)
10. A ukulele jam session. Will Zooey Deschannel be there? In spirit, in spirit (Thursday)
11. Missing Ohio? OhioNYC has got you covered, with an Ohioans mixer at Owl Farm (Thursday)
12. Think you go hard? You won’t, after you see how the 24 Hour Party People do it (Thursday)
13. The Cobra Club takes a trip back with a riot grrl night. Bring your Barbie to ritualistically dismember (Thursday)
14. Babeland promises to make your Easter sexier than it’s ever been. Shouldn’t be too hard (Friday)
15. A dance party? At a bookstore? That’s what happens when someone writes a book about Prince (Friday)