Categories: Outings

Pokemania continues: This Bushwick Pokemon Go party features a celebrity trainer and free booze

Pokemon content just won’t stop. All parties are Poke parties now.

Years from now, when our world is a scorched earth landscape, the last known survivors will huddle for safety around Pokestops, sending scavengers out into the cold gray world to hunt the last remaining Pokemon for food. Gyms will be towering garrisons controlled by tyrannical Pokemasters, cruel potentates who mock your meager HP. You’ll warm your hands over a burning pile of incense and tell your kids there was a time before all things were Pokemon, when you could laugh and sing and dance without having to worry about catching yet another Zubat. They won’t believe you.

We’ve already seen Pokemon Go bar crawls pop up around the city. This Friday, rampant Pokemania continues with a Party at Bushwick’s Father Knows Best: it’s an all-things-pocket-monster party featuring actual Pokemon celebrity Ivy St. Ive, who went viral for her short lived professional Pokemon trainer service. The owners will drop some lures around the bar so you can keep catchin’ em all. And if all this sounds like not enough to get you there: The bar is offering free beer and shot combos to anyone who arrives in costume.

Bushwick Daily first reported on the party, which they say will feature Pokemon movies projected on a big screen throughout the day and the band The Angels playing some tunes. A photographer from Japanese magazine HEAPS will be on hand taking photos of the costumed crowd. There’s a Pokestop accessible from the backyard and two gyms nearby too, apparently.

RSVP to the party on Facebook.

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Tim Donnelly :