Fulfill your rockstar dreams for less at donation-based music school Play it Forward

These guys had rockstar dreams too, and look where that got them.

It’s summer music season and the perfect time to get your band out and rocking. Don’t have a band? Start one. Don’t know how to play an instrument? Well…

Learning how to play an instrument can be expensive and frustrating (especially if you go the DIY route). If you’re not up for teaching yourself the chords to “Whole Lotta Love,” though, there’s now another option: a donation-based music school that just opened in Williamsburg, Play it Forward, where you can learn how to play the instrument of your dreams for pennies in a fun, group environment.

“But I don’t have the time” you’re crying because you’re busy going to happy hour and working two jobs to be able to afford whatever it is we can afford these days. Not a problem! Guitar, piano, bass and drum lessons last just a half hour, while more specific classes like Intro to Rhythm and All Things Beatles last an hour. All of the classes are taught by professional musicians and like we said, will cost you whatever you can spare/deem fair. See! You’re one step closer to fame and fortune, or at least a slot on a Monday night at Goodbye Blue Monday. You’ll find me at Intro to Songwriting, rockstar dreams soon to be fulfilled.

Play it Forward opens today, July 2, for a month-long pop up at 560 Grand Street, open from 2pm-8pm Wednesday to Friday and 12pm-6pm on Saturday and Sunday.

Bettina Warshaw :