Phrosties have always been a lie, contain no drugs

Maybe we should call them Phraudsties. via Facebook

Well, guess it’s “Alcohol in Pop Culture Debunking Week.” Hot on the heels of Mike D telling us all that we’ve been drinking the wrong brass monkey this whole time, New York Magazine went and used science to test out what’s really in Phrosties, the cult frozen alcohol drink causing America’s latest moral panic. Wouldn’t you know it, Phrosties are nothing special, coming in at just 25 proof, which is 45 less proof than the empty bottle of Old Mr. Boston Lemon & Gin product sitting on our desk.

Yes, the power of science shows that whatever hallucinogenic or psychoactive properties that Phrosties had were merely a placebo effect, given off no doubt by the way that you had to order them by following an Instagram account and having them delivered to you. NYM was curious what was really in them, so they sent a Phrostie to EuTech Scientific Services to have it reverse engineered, and the results came back as Phrosties being just 25 proof, which is barely any proof at all.

While you check out the exact lab results over at New York mag, we’ll be sitting here secure in the knowledge that since poor sweet Four Loko bit the dust, Glug, our own homemade disaster alcohol is still the best disaster alcohol in America. And you can’t have the recipe.

David Colon :

View Comments (1)

  • wouldn't 25 proof be kinda what a mixed drink would be?

    I didn't know phrosties were supposed to be anythings hallucinogenic. thought the were just frozen nutcrackers.