Park Slope’s triangle building could be turned into a transparent wedge

Rendering via RedSky Capital

In the world of New York real estate, a historic brownstone can cost the same as a brand spankin’ new condo apartment. It all comes down to the neighborhood. While Park Slope is considered a pioneer of gentrification, a predictor of other Brooklyn neighborhood’s soon to skyrocket property values and one of the earliest spots to be baked in BK, it is not known for the same shiny, futuristic glass towers which define Downtown Brooklyn and Williamsburg. While the Slope’s southern border with Gowanus, 4th Ave., has a few skyscrapers straight out of Blade Runner, the neighborhood’s main body is landmarked, preventing The Future from coming down too hard.


Rendering via AA Studio

Park Slope may be getting one of its virgin tastes of the shiny and transparent, though, over at its old Triangle Sports building. The structure at 182 Flatbush, across from the Barclays Center and most memorable for being a triangle, could soon be reincarnated as a futuristic wedge. After 96 years in the space, Triangle Sports sold the property to RedSky Capital for $4.1 million in 2013. The building has been unused since.

Now, Brownstoner reported, everyone’s favorite commercial wedge has gotten shiny new concept designs from AA Studio which transform the building into an Apple-store like store-vessel. Another rendering has The Future Incarnate built up on top of the original building, which seems structurally unfeasible but hey, miracles do happen.


Back in 2012. Photo via TerraCRG

These are “concept designs,” meaning no one is acting on them quite yet. That said, the future is now, so clearly it’s only a matter of time before Park Slope and Williamsburg are indiscernible. Previous plans for the building which didn’t happen included an Apple store, a Sephora, and a restaurant, according to Brownstoner.

[H/t: Brownstoner]

Hannah Frishberg :Queen Brokester, native Brooklynite. The F train is my soul animal.