NY State seeks women who want to build bridges. Literally.

Also, you can catcall dudes. Actually, they’d probably like that. via Seattle Municipal Archives

Construction, carpentry and electrical work is good work if you can get it and you don’t mind working with your hands. But the construction industry is also one that’s male dominated, thanks to old gender attitudes, outside of that whole Rosie the Riveter thing in the 40s. But since the state is building an entirely new Kosciuzsko Bridge, there are construction jobs out there, and New York wants to steer some of them to women.

The state is partnering with Nontraditional Employment for Women (NEW) NYC in an effort to get at least 20 women on construction crews for the bridge, according to DNA Info. Plus, getting in on this work could land you in a labor union, and despite America’s current revulsion towards them, unions are great. Sound intriguing? There’s going to be an information session hosted by the Department of Transportation tomorrow, from 6pm to 8pm at the Cooper Park Houses (275 Jackson Street, Williamsburg). So if you’ve ever sat around hating your office or retail job, why not give construction a chance? At the very least, you’ll get strong enough to bring a couch up the stairs, which is always a useful skill around here.

David Colon :