No Swearin: Win a trip to the Inauguration Ball

Be sure you don’t upstage the guests of honor. via BET

We’re sure you’re trying to push the memories of the past four years of electioneering, what with polls, percentages, poor debate performances and trying to drink through them. But now it’s all finally over and we can get on with the fact that our taxes have increased thanks to congressional dithering. Oh yeah, and there’s the inauguration on the 21st. If you enter this contest before midnight, January 14th, you could win a free flight to DC, free accommodation, and, unlike the thousands of schmucks standing in the cold, free tickets to the Inauguration Ball. Thanks, Obama Democratic Governors Association.

All you have to do is give them your name, e-mail address, and zip code, which I am sure has nothing to do with data collection and you certainly won’t receive lots of e-mails concerning the upcoming elections in 2014. But if you’re a politico, Democrat, or don’t mind a bit of political SPAM, it could be worth it just to be part of history and rub shoulders with some Washington elites. Just don’t go all William Henry Harrison on us if you win.

Conal Darcy :