You can pay $25 for a ‘Britney Spears as feminist icon’ class in Greenpoint

Ratnatunga and Goldberg want to give you more, give you, give you more. via Instagram @surir

Calling all Spears fans: have you always wanted to know what made Britney so Lucky? Wish you knew what pitted her Against the Music? Do you find yourself wondering what happened while she was Not a Girl anymore, but Not Yet A Woman? Now you can find out all that stuff, and you don’t have to stalk her on TMZ or go to college all over again to do it. According to DNA Info, there’s a “Britney Spears 101” workshop being offered in Greenpoint, and it’ll only cost you $25. 

The class was founded by Rachel Goldberg and Suri Ratnatunga, two BK residents working for a tech startup who found they shared an obsessive curiosity for the Spears dynasty. DNA info reports that their class will feature “a multimedia presentation with GIFs, video clips and more” as they dissect the rise of Britney’s career and land upon some interesting conclusions about her continued influence on pop culture and feminism.

The next workshop takes place Sunday, April 19 in Goldberg’s apartment in Greenpoint, from 4pm-5:30pm. So, music fans, you could pay $1000/credit to study the rise of P. Diddy at NYU. Or, you could just pay $25 for an in-depth academic’s look at “The Goddess, Feminist Icon and Pop Priestess” (workshop’s tagline), with drinks and punnily-named snacks like “Baby One More Thyme” crackers included.

Although they’ll be adding classes later this month, there are 10 tickets remaining for the class on April 19, and past sessions have been known to sell out. according to DNA Info, there’s no telling whether you’ll still have $25 in your pocket and as much excitement as you do now. So get your spot today, before you’re stuck wait-listing from the Bottom of Your Broken Heart.

Sam Corbin :Writer and performer based in Brooklyn. Made in Canada.