Categories: Outings

One HUGE reason to show up Thursday night: $500 from American Express (Crazy, right?)

Lego_White_446x293_SWhen we thought up the raffle for our birthday party this Thursday at Night Owl, we hoped to bring you, our loyal readers, some pieces of Brooklyn you might not otherwise have had the chance to enjoy: a fancy meal, a relaxing escape… We’re still bringing you that, and much more. But we never imagined we’d have one item so luxurious that it would meet your grandest Brooklyn wants and desires in a single fell swoop. Well, we were wrong. We’re proud to present a $500 American Express gift card, courtesy of Zync, and it’ll be waiting for you Thursday night.

The $500 we know you understand, and American Express… well, you must have a friend of a friend who’s seen one. The Zync part? That’s AMEX’s newest charge card for people in their 20s and 30s. It seems AMEX is getting a little tired of their rarefied platinum airs. They’re taking a long-overdue cab ride from the UES down to Brooklyn (Zync’s their slightly-less-precious metal, get it?). The point is, they’re undertaking a bit of a makeover. And to carry off the transformation, they want you: a new breed of card-carrying consumer, living it up Brokelyn-style, one $10 charge at a time.

But, let’s get back to the point: a whopping $500 gift card TO SPEND ON WHATEVER YOU WANT. Yes, the good people at AMEX want to get you hooked on Zync, but you know what? Some of them are plain old HUGE Brokelyn fans too. And they wanted to do something special to bring you the very best of Brooklyn, and to show their love for Brooklyn’s independent business community.

And here’s the best part: All you have to do is play. Come to our charity ball and RAFFLE OF THE CENTURY, buy a $2 ticket for any one of our excellent prizes, and you’ll automatically be in the running for the 500 AMEX smackeroos. But be there—you can’t win if you don’t play.

The First Annual Brokelyn Charity Ball will be held June 10 from 7 to 11 at at Night Owl in Williamsburg, 160 N. 4th St. at Bedford Ave. Coming? Let us know by RSVPing in the Facebook page, where you can also see all the other fine prizes.

Jonathan Berk :

View Comments (4)

  • Hypothetically, is the ability to win raffle prizes forfeited if one were to leave the party for part of the evening? My friend's band is having a CD release party Thursday night just a couple of blocks away, and I'd love to try to go to both.

  • Hypothetically, if you've got someone to watch out for your raffle-prize-winning interests, do what you gotta go. But you never know what you'll miss.