New kids store paying for your hand-me-downs

babyclothesTime to part with those mini-Guccis and Gap onesies. Monk’s Trunk, a children’s resale shop opening this fall in Prospect Lefferts Gardens, wants to stock its shelves your kids’ old stuff—and they’re paying. If you’ve been saving everything of junior’s out of an over-developed sense of sentimentality, we understand… really, we do. But this is your big chance to get a little in return, because the next stop for this stuff might just be Goodwill. And Monk’s Trunk will even pick it all up.

Carrie McLaren (of Hawthorne Street fame), is behind the store-to-be, and she’s looking for used clothing for fall and winter (girls and boys up to size 8), books, baby carriers, shoes, DVDs and toys & puzzles with all the pieces. The clothing must be clean and in excellent condition, and the store’s especially interested in premium basics (Gap) and boutique labels (Tea Collection, European brands, etc.).

Come this fall, Monk’s Trunk will be located near the Q/B trains at Parkside. To make an appointment for pick-up, call Carrie at 718-398-9324 or email her at

Jennifer Holder :