Music for Misers, Nov. 1-4: Shark?, Forgotten by Friday, more

Shark? Thursday night a Bruar Falls

Halloween hangover? Wake up with Superhuman Happiness, Pistolera y Banda De Los Muertos and a Brooklyn country showcase with Forgotten by Friday and more. This week in cheap music is brought to you by Zebulon Café. Coco 66 and Bruar Falls are also reppin’ shows in the $5 and under category.

Monday, Nov. 1
Superhuman Happiness (w/ Jeremiah Lockwood of The Sway Machinery): Coco 66, 66 Greenpoint Ave. between Franklin and West Sts., Greenpoint, $5, 8 p.m.

Tuesday, Nov. 2
PISTOLERA, Banda De Los Muertos, DJ Selector Monobichi: Zebulon, 258 Wythe Ave. between N. 3rd St. and Metropolitan Ave., Williamsburg, free, 9 p.m.

Wednesday, Nov. 3
Brooklyn Country presents… Forgotten by Friday, Dirty Floor Revie, Smokey and the Bandit 2: Electric Boogaloo: Zebulon, 258 Wythe Ave. between N. 3rd St. and Metropolitan Ave., Williamsburg, free, 9 p.m.

Thursday, Nov. 4
Shark?, Roo, Byrds of Paradise, Dinosaur Feathers: Bruar Falls, 245 Grand St. between Roebling St. and Driggs Ave.,  Williamsburg, $5, 8 p.m.

Gunn/Truscinski Duo, Vic Rawlings/Jake Mcginsky Duo, Brian Sullivan/Andy Borz Duo: Zebulon, 258 Wythe Ave. between N. 3rd St. and Metropolitan Ave., Williamsburg, free, 9 p.m.

Etan Marciano :