This V day, turn missed connections into love connections

Judge a connection by its cover. Illustration by Sophie Blackall.

We’re all well acquainted with Craigslist Missed Connections, but how many of us actually check them? Or expect to see our lost mate in person again? This is especially true on the subway, where our passions can be derailed (scary pun not intended) by the frenzy of rush hour or an ill-timed transfer. The New York Transit Museum in Brooklyn is having a FREE Missed Connections Valentine’s Day Party on Feb. 14. Not only will your soul mate potentially be present, but New York Times writer Alan Feuer will also read some of the best Craigslist Missed Connections and illustrator Sophie Blackall will sign copies of her book, Missed Connections: Love, Lost & Found . Don’t forget about the beer provided by Brooklyn Brewery! Those retro subway cars at the museum are prime make-out spots, and the old turnstiles have lots of potential for flirty hand touching when you and your crush pretend to insert tokens

The event also features music from You Bred Raptors?, and you can submit your transit-related love stories to get a chance at having YOUR story displayed in a pop-up exhibit at the museum!

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  • This missed connection should definitely make the cut: