Art lovers in the city are going balls-to-the-wall crazy right now for Armory Arts Week and the Armory Show, starting Thursday. The Upper West Side-based Armory Show boasts the finest in 20th and 21st century modern and contemporary art. It also boasts a big price tag: $30. Lucky for you, you don’t have to travel to Manhattan to get your art on this year. To coincide with the Armory Show, Verge (of Art Basel and Miami satellite fair fame) started it’s own hubbub, made it free, and shifted focus to artists living today. Verge Art Brooklyn runs Thursday to Sunday, featuring nine locations in DUMBO, 70 gallery exhibitors, 40 art project spaces, and 50 finalists in the Tomorrow Stars open call exhibition. Did I mention that it’s all free? Event details and map, below to help you maximize the free artness.
The events are open to the public from noon until 10pm Thursday until Saturday, and noon until 6pm on Sunday.
Gallery exhibitors
81 Front St., and One Main St. (Ground Floors)
The gallery exhibitors spaces are the main attraction of Art Brooklyn. Galleries representing artists from New York, London, Tokyo, Chicago and Seoul, hand picked their best work for your viewing pleasure. Being that it is in such a large space, the works will be displayed like a gallery, unlike the Manhattan booth format.
Artist’s project spaces
55 Washington St., Fourth Floor
These are the spaces the artists rented for themselves. If you are actually looking to buy some art, you will most likely find the most affordable work here. Since the artist is renting the space and is selling their work directly to you, you will avoid any agent or gallery fees.
Artist’s open call exhibition: The best of Brooklyn
20 Jay St., Third Floor
This exhibit features finalists that were selected from the Tomorrow Stars open call by a panel of judges. Each finalist will show one piece from their submission to “represents the brightest and best Brooklyn has to offer.” Latch on to the one you like, make posters in support, and cry when they get kicked off.
Brooklyn Art Now: Survey Exhibition
111 Front Street, Second Floor
Curated by Loren J. Munk/James Kalm, this exhibit showcases 40 local artisits represented by Brooklyn galleries. Loren Munk/James Kalm is a painter/vlogger/art scene historian that bikes around New York City with his camera in hand, to document gallery openings. Local artists, vlogging and bike enthusiasm!
If that’s not enough art for you, you can check out Armory Week’s Brooklyn Night all over Williamsburg. After that, you can go back to doodling stick figures and that middle school “S” in the margins of your notebook.