Categories: Outings

Magic or science? And 9 other ways to spend the weekend

You have to choose one because they’re both on Friday. via DeviantArt

1. Check out some magic-inspired art and drink free home-brew. Beats trying to do magic after drinking prison wine. (Friday)

2. There’s a new monthly comedy show called For Science! which, coincidentally, is the same reason we give people for why they should go home with us. (Friday)

3. Dance your ass off at MAGNUM, when it returns to Tandem. Just in case you were, you know, wondering where it went. (Friday)

4. Go to the Fort Greene holiday market so that you don’t have to Christmas shop at Target. Hell, you can probably get a handmade flatscreen TV there. (Saturday)

5. The Brooklyn Friends school is having their annual Winter Festival fundraiser. Or are you more of a fan of their rivals, the Brooklyn Antagonizers School? (Saturday)

6. The Wyckoff Farmhouse is having a traditional Dutch Christmas. Thankfully, the Dutch weren’t too into Krampus. (Saturday)

7. Last Exit is hosting a pop-up holiday photo booth. “Merry Christmas Grandpa! My eyes are bloodshot from crying tears of happiness about Jesus, not from whiskey,” is what you can write when you send the photo out. (Saturday)

8. Save Sunny’s, because a bar should only go under because it sucks, not because of a jerk hurricane. (Saturday)

9. Eat pie and shop. What else do you need to know? Why are you sitting here still reading this? (Sunday)

10. Or buy some jewelry for your mistress while you’re drinking. What do you mean you don’t have a mistress? (Sunday)

11. Go to the Brooklyn Winery to watch the Walking Dead midseason finale and keep asking people what’s going on. What’s with all the zombies, how did that happen? Who’s that guy? (Sunday)

David Colon :